1.1 Introducing goal setting

One day a client came. It was his sixth session in three months. He sat down, told me about his success at work, and said he had a huge dilemma. Two years ago, they moved back to this busy city from the peaceful countryside where he and his girlfriend had spent three years. They liked it here and wished to go back at the same time and couldn’t decide. He explained the pros and cons for both sides, and – he didn’t notice – his feet were beating the floor without stopping. When he finished arguing with himself, I asked: “Tim, I see your points, but what is your real question?” His feet stopped, he startled at me strangely and said: “Should I propose to my girlfriend?” The next day, I received a mail from the girlfriend: “I don’t know what you did yesterday with Tim, but after he had arrived home, he asked me to be his wife!” And they are living happily ever after …

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